Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Love Reconciling Opposites


Love Reconciling Opposites

Looking for Real

Feb 9, 2012


An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work
of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

All is welcome here...

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

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*Reflections, Bahman Farzad, Flickr

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Religion & Spirituality, Together

Religious tradition can bring
wisdom and grounding

amid the amazing
variety of spiritualities

The division between
religion and spirituality -

like the division between
religion and science -

is misleading
and not advantageous

Healthy religion
is always spiritual

Spirituality without grounding
in religious tradition can become

a narcissistic flight
in escapism from commitment

and into a mindset
of counter-prejudice against religion

Do not judge all religion as bad
when many utilize it well

in their choosing to be
spiritually-hearted, loving beings

Some choose religion
some do not choose religion

Both can agree on this -
We are One, together

Both need kindly to work
for a better world, in Love together

*AREM . in "Messages of Love."

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Are You Real?

I don't need
your pretty quotes
I've had more than enough
of them

So, you channel an archangel
read the future, read the past -
so you say, so you claim

You can tell me how to...
balance my chakras
read the stars
tarot, too

Speak of God, Goddess, Gaia - Positive Attraction, too -
words, words ... I'm to trust that
you say, for you simply say so

I don't want
your spiritual cliches
I've had more than enough
of them

Don't ask me to give attention
to all you say about love, love, love
I've had more than enough
of that easy-talk

What do I want?
I need?
To see that you're Real
Show me that you're Real

So, don't give me
the pretty quotes
the spiritual cliches
the talk of love, love, love

What do I want?
I need?
To see that you're Real
Show me that you're Real
To see that you're Real
Show me that you're Real

I've had enough
My soul needs more
My heart wants more
Tired of cheaply-spoken spiritually-correct

So, in an ideological supermarket
and amidst egos on-line who play at game potentate...
talk garbed grand but oft cheap
spirituality a fashionable escape
love hearts decorate cyber-space space... So...

I want to know,
Yes, I need to know... Tell me...
Are you Real? Are you Real?
Do you live? Are you? What I hear you say?

*AREM . in "Messages of Love."

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We are One
manifesting Diversity...
Our Uniqueness
expresses Togetherness...


*Dandelion, @Doug88888, Flickr



The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM

ŠArem Nahariim-Samadhi, 2012. Arem can be contacted at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Love Reconciling Opposites

©Brian Wilcox 2024